Crop Tour 2024: Assessing the Fruits of Your Labour Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Article by Graham McLean Crop Sales Specialist AGRIS Co-operative - GLENCOE Understanding In-Field Variability and Maximizing Your Yield Potential As we continue this year’s 15th annual Great Lakes Grain Crop Assessment Tour, it’s important to consider the in-field variability that can affect your crops. In areas like Southwest Middlesex and Caradoc Township, finding an "average" field can be tough this year. Our agronomists will look beyond just yield to assess factors like crop maturity, black layer date, and insect damage. To estimate yield, we'll take multiple counts in each corn and soybean field using a standard 1/10,000th of an acre measure. We’ll examine pollination efficiency, plant population, fertility deficiencies, plant health (such as Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Tar Spot), and how mature the crops are. For soybeans, we’ll check for white mold, Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), and other health issues. We'll also look at plant populations and seed size, which affect the final yield. August has been critical for filling pods and corn ears, and soil moisture is generally good for maximizing yields. Tools are available to help assess how rainfall has impacted your fields. We invite you to join us for the tour to learn how we assess yields and understand what’s happening in your fields. Recent storms have caused late-emerging leaf diseases and unexpected Tar Spot, and some late-planted soybeans are still flowering, making accurate counts challenging. Now is the perfect time to update your marketing plan based on the latest yield data. Visit our website to learn more and see how you can get involved in the Crop Tour 2024. Nutrient Management Plans Your AGRIS Crop Specialist is here to help you with your nutrient management plans. Find out more Related Items Stay Connected with myFS Agronomy Managing farm data can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Our team is here to help you collect, organize, and analyze your field data so you can make informed decisions for every acre. Whether it’s crop planning, scouting, or data management, we work alongside you to achieve one common goal: success on your operation. Read the full story Maximizing Forage Yield with Cover Crops Planting a cover crop after a summer grain or vegetable harvest is an excellent way to grow high-quality forage while maintaining your land’s productivity. By selecting the right cover crop species and following best management practices, you can improve forage yield, enhance soil health, and optimize nutrient availability without sacrificing cash crop acres. Read the full story The Importance of Herbicide Planning for 2025 As we approach the new growing season, most pre-buying decisions for fertilizer, seed, and other inputs are complete. While seed and fertility take top priority in crop planning, herbicide strategies must not be overlooked. Read the full story