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Big changes in the weather bring in a whole new set of management challenges. Heavy rains on some fields are requiring a top up of additional nitrogen to recover from the leaching and denitrification that occurred. At the same time rain improves yield potential. It also can create an environment that favours development of foliar fungal pathogens, in the case of corn Tar Spot, Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Gibberella Ear rots.

The corn growth stage drives the timing of application decisions for each pathogen as does incidence and severity. 

Timing may vary from VT to R3The risks are higher when these conditions are present:
  • Growing a Susceptible hybrid
  • Corn after Corn
  • No till
  • Field History of disease
  • Rain in the forecast 2 weeks before and after VT/R1 growth stages
There is an additional component and that is variability of growth within the field. Not all acres may be at the same yield potential. Fungicides protect high yield potential they do not increase yield potential.Targeting high value acres could be done using the satellite images and Field Health Maps in Field View. You can create application zone maps that can shut the sprayer off on acres that are not deemed to be high potential. And focus on protecting the more vigorously growing acres with high yield potential.

Example below of a satellite derived Plant Health map indicating areas of poorer growth denoted by the red and yellow areas of lower yield potential. These maps can be used to guide an applicator and shut off application of fungicides in the areas of low yield potential. This will optimize net returns by applying the fungicides to just the high yield potential acres...


Reach out to your local AGRIS Crop Sales Specialists it is never too late to sign up for free imagery with FieldView. You might be surprised at what you see with the view from above your corn fields.

Article by Dale Cowan


Considering Double Crop Soybean

After the bullish June 30th USDA report and last weekend’s rain events recharging our soil moisture levels, some growers are now considering the idea of double cropping soybeans after their wheat. Research over the last few years by various groups here in Ontario have found there are some management tips that will help mitigate some of the risks and improve your chances of success if trying this on your farm.

It all starts with harvesting the wheat as early as possible. Maximum yield potential has been found to be when the soybeans are planted early in July. Every day we plant after that costs about a bushel per day so in all reality we should be probably looking at the 15th as the cut off date for the majority of our trade area, for the deep southwest branches in Essex County that date could probably be pushed back to the 20th. Clip the wheat as close to ground as possible and bale the straw, this will minimize the amount of residue and help to avoid hair pinning when you seed. No till seeding is typically preferred to maintain soil moisture.

Variety selection in terms of maturity and plant characteristics also needs to be considered. When picking a variety maturity is should be dropped back by .5 to .7 based on maturity group rating , if your normal maturity soybean is a 2.2 (3125 CHU) chose a 1.5 (2950 CHU) to 1.7 (3000 CHU). I like to look for a variety that has tall height and is branchy, these plant characteristics will help maximize the number of nodes that will be produced and give the most yield potential.

Seeding rate is row width is also very important. Solid seeded or as narrow of row width as possible (15”) will maximize canopy ground cover, this not only helps with weed control but also maximizes sunlight interception by the plant fueling the photosynthesis process in the plant. Seeding populations of 225,000 to 300,000 seeds per acre are needed. Start at the lower end at the beginning of the timeframe and increase as you move towards the middle of July. Typically, we don’t require any seed treatments on the seed because soil temperatures are so warm. With ideal soil moisture the plants will emerge very quickly before any soil borne disease or insects have time to affect the seedlings.


While double cropping soybeans comes with no guarantee, the current market price for harvest & soil moistures do support the idea of considering it and maybe taking the chance. If you have questions or want to discuss further, contact your local co-operative branch or crop sales specialist to have a plan in place and be ready to implement if conditions are favorable.

Article by Kent Wolfe


Fungicide on Beans

Now that we have passed the summer solstice the soybeans are likely going to start flowering. The fungicide window is approaching fast and management decisions need to be made. With lots of rain and humidity in the forecast, this is a great opportunity to protect the stands we have! The crop has been under a lot of stress ever since emergence from a heat wave and drought to wet and saturated conditions, a fungicide pass should be on everybody’s mind.

High humidity, prolonged periods of leaf wetness, and moderate temperatures are favorable conditions for many soybeans fungal diseases. Foliar fungal diseases in soybeans, such as Septoria brown spot, frog eye leaf spot and powdery mildew and white mold are diseases that reduce photosynthetic activity, impact plant health, and ultimately lead to reduced yields. These applications are typically made when the crop reaches the R1 (a flower open anywhere on the main stem) to R3 (beginning pod) stage. Pods should be roughly 5mm in length on one of the upper 4 nodes of the main stem. Applying fungicides at these stages helps protect the developing pods and foliage from infection. If targeting white mold, a second application may be needed 7 to 14 days after the first application if favorable conditions for disease development persist.


Fungicides can be beneficial for soybean crops, particularly when there is a risk of diseases. Fungicides are used to control or prevent the growth and spread of fungal pathogens that can damage soybean plants and reduce yields. However, the decision to use fungicides and the potential economic benefits can vary depending on several factors, including the specific disease pressure, weather conditions, crop management practices, and net returns Trials have shown a yield increase from 3 to 7 bu/ac when fungicides were applied over the untreated check.

It's important to note that the decision to apply fungicides should be based on a thorough assessment of the disease risk factors in a specific field. Factors such as crop rotation, previous disease history, current weather conditions, and the susceptibility of the soybean variety being grown should all be considered when choosing your fungicides. Contact your local AGRIS retailer for advice on your recommendations today. 

Article by Jean Marc Guilbeault

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